Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SNP / R1b-DF13+

I have been positioned at L21 on the very large Haplogroup R1b Tree for quite sometime. The L21 snp is know as one of the major Celtic branches.

Recently I tested for snp DF13 which is one of two downstream subclades of L21. I tested positive for DF13.

So next step was to use a mathematical algorithm to predict snp's that might generate positive test results. I received a 90% possibility of testing positive for snp L1335 (Scots Modal) which is a major subclade from DF13.

Currently below L1335 is L1065. I was also predicted at 90% to test positive for this snp. At this time it appears that L1065 separates the Welsh and Scots, with Scots only testing positive for L1065, I will be safe and wait for results on L1335.

It will be toward the end of July before lab results are complete for L1335.

Until Then!

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