Wednesday, June 19, 2013

R-L21+ FT DNA Project

R-L21 Plus Project
 Please go to the complete site if you have an interest in our R1b-L21 Haplogroup. There is more information located here:

The following Phylogenetic Tree has been changing with additions almost on a weekly basis so be sure to check for updates on the above url. 

 L21 is a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism that characterizes a major R haplogroup.
There are a number of subclades downstream of L21 (see the YCC phylogenetic tree on your "myFTDNA" pages' "Haplotree & SNPs" page or the ISOGG phylogenetic R tree).

What is a SNP or Single Nucleotide Polymorphism? A "SNP" (generally pronounced "SNiP") - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism - represents a change at a single nucleotide (A=adenine, C=cytosine, G=guanine, T=thymine) on the y chromosome. In the case of L21, that change occurred at the position known as rs11799226, where we have a change to "G" from the "C" most everyone else has. You can trace our shared ancestry by using the YCC phylogenetic tree on your "myFTDNA" pages' "Haplotree & SNPs" page or the ISOGG phylogenetic R tree. The ancestry of all L21+ men, in terms of SNPs, runs like this:

M207+ . . . M173+ . . . M343+ . . . P25+ . . . P297+ . . . M269+ . . . L23+ . . . L51+ . . . L11+ . . . P312+ . . . L21+

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