Friday, August 16, 2013

Ulster, Ireland on the journey to North America?

Could Ulster have been the next stop on the trip after my paternal ancestors left Scotland? Without written record, I do not known if that question can be answered.

 Some 15 or more years at genealogy, less the Y-DNA testing has only collected bits and pieces here and there on a possible ancestor from Londonderry Ireland that came to this country in the late 1600's, early 1700's.  There is missing links in my documentation from my oldest proven ancestor, to this Ulster Scot of Lancaster County, PA., Robert Luckey.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Scotland was home at one time in history!

I did test positive for the snp L1065. Currently many of the peoples that have tested positive for this snp have surnames of the Highland Clans and "septs" meaning associated with. Most of these peoples lived under a system where they gave allegiance to a clan chief for protection and livelihood.

At the present there are no snp test downstream of L1065 that predictions would show positive for me.

Both L1335 and L1065 were discovered less than a year ago. Over the months and years from now other downstream snp's will probably be discovered in the testing process.