Thursday, July 25, 2013

What do the letters and numbers in the Haplogroup Information box mean?

We show the SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) results from our Y-DNA SNP tests (transferred Geno 2.0, Advanced SNP, Backbone, or old Deepclade) under the Haplotree tool in the Haplogroup Information box. The names of the SNPs are numbers prefixed with a letter or set of letters. These most often indicate the research lab that discovered it.
Research Labs' Prefixes
DesignationResearch Lab
IMS-JSTInstitute of Medical Science-Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
LThe Family Tree DNA Genomic Research Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America
MStanford University, California, United States of America
PUniversity of Arizona, Arizona, United States of America
PAGE/PAGES/PSWhitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Massachusetts, United States of America
PKBiomedical and Genetic Engineering Laboratories, Islamabad, Pakistan
UUniversity of Central Florida, Florida, United States of America
VLa Sapienza, Rome, Italy
CTS Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
FFudan University, People's Republic of China
PFDipartimento di Zoologia e Genetica Evoluzionistica, Università di Sassari, Italy
Z and DFVarious members of the Genetic Genealogy community, Worldwide
The research group names the SNP by assigning it the letter or set of letters that represents their lab. The team then assigns a sequential number to the SNP.
For example, the University of Arizona are prefixes SNPs they discover with the letter P. Thus, P109 is the 109th SNP named by the University of Arizona.
In addition, the SNP M253 is the 253rd SNP that the research group at Stanford University has named.
After each SNP, you will see either a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign. The plus sign means that you are positive for the SNP. The minus sign means that you are negative for the SNP.
For example, your results show L22+, M253+, P109-; you are positive for the M253 and L22 SNPs and negative for the P109 SNP.
Note that some SNPs discovered in early population genetic research may have prefixes related to their location on the Y-chromosome or other genetic features. These include LINE, LLY, MEH, RPS, and SRY.
 This information was taken from: Understanding Results: Y-DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Family Tree DNA.
I am currently waiting on test results for SNP: L1065 - R1b1a2a1a2c1k1 - CTS11722. At the moment all three of these letter number combinations, above stand for the same SNP. Even though I will always belong to the major haplogroup of R1b the rest of the letters and numbers after this prefix above may change, because when new SNP's are found they may be placed sometimes in the middle of all this. That is why it is best to use what is called the "shorthand" L1065 or CTS11722, which will probably never change. I know all of this is confusing. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

SNP / R1b-L1335+

Today I received positive test results for the (Scot's Modal) snp L1335. Before I totally lay claim to Scotland, there is a cluster of L1335 persons that were in Wales. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, snp L1065 is below L1335. I was predicted to test positive at 90% for L1065 also.

To the best of my knowledge none of the Wales cluster has tested positive for L1065.

I may take a break before this next test and let the bank rest for a spell. At the moment L1065 is the only know snp available to me and have a good change of testing positive again.

We will see how long I wait!